Dirk Hoogeveen

artist, architect, 
I like to build things outside or in the city
(sculptures which relate to their surroundings)
Open Monumenten Dag
A Tale of A Tub
Rotterdam, NL
Everyday Solutions (2023)
For Open Monumenten Dag 2023 a conitunuos perfromance at exhibtion space Tale of A Tub together with Rogier Franssen.

Monuments and architectural heritage are often smurked by long lasting process of repairs and renovation. Pricey contractors and architects with an big ego. Time consuming negotiations, difficult legislation and tiring bureaucracy.

With our performance we presented a solution: We will repair all broken objects and dreams. Come by for a quick fix, a broken microwave, advice for a leaking roof or solutions in life. A solution for the bureaucratic proces which normally takes forever. First, visitors were asked to fill out a form describing their problem, on the second page they had to draw their problem. After which we drawed a solution to their problem. Resulting in a drawing a exchange, all captured on transfer paper. 

In collaboration with Rogier Franssen

